Theory Sale Page

Learn the Theory that Unlocks All the Scales and Chords of Your Guitar So You Can Play the Music That’s Inside Your Head

Take your understanding of music theory to the next level, and become a natural behind the guitar with this applied theory and improvisation course. With step-by-step expert guidance, you can finally fully understand and use music theory on the guitar and come up with playable ideas without any limitations due to a lack of theory knowledge.

30+ Years

experience teaching guitar to players of all levels.

30+ million

views and counting on YouTube

43,000+ students

have fallen back in love with their guitar


guitarists use this exact method to master freely play the way they want

30+ Years

experience teaching guitar to players of all levels.

30+ million

views and counting on YouTube

43,000+ students

have fallen back in love with their guitar


guitarists use this exact method to mas-ter freely play the way they want

Preview image for video showing cats

master the

Take your musicality to the next level, and become a natural behind the guitar with this one powerful formula.

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Structured Lessons

The videos are very simple to follow and carefully planned to ensure you can quickly implement everything you learn.

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Solo Analysis

You will learn what makes a solo great and how to implement it in your own playing.

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Learn The Licks

Many licks are provided helping you develop your vocabulary. All tabs and backing tracks are priovided.

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Hear From

This course has unlocked a whole new world for me. Great course; highly recommend it!

Jim Kleinbard

Thank you, David! This is the substance of exactly what I didn't know I needed to know back when I first picked up an electric guitar 50 years ago!

Ron Romano

Playing Guitar Should be Fun, Right?

There’s no greater feeling than picking up your guitar, and losing yourself in the music. Whether you’ve been playing for years, or you’ve only just started on your journey, you want to be able to make your guitar sing, and express yourself musically without anything holding you back.

How it feels when you play is hard to put into words, or describe to other people. Other gui-tarists, though—they get it. You feel that…

It’s a way to make
life make sense.

You might get older, things may change, but the guitar always stays the same—it feels like something that’s built into your DNA. You never feel as relaxed or as natural as when your guitar’s in your hand.

It’s helping you
build confidence.

Even when you’re playing along in your room, it feels good knowing that you’re getting better every time you play. And while you might still be nervous playing in front of an audience, you know you’re able to get up in front of people and still carry a tune.

It’s more than
a hobby.

It’s an escape, a way to free your mind and heart. Whether you’re playing by yourself or jamming with your buddies, it takes you away from your everyday life.

It makes you
feel alive.

You love the way it sounds, the way you can bend notes, and how the music seems to flow through your fingers and out through the amp…

And more than anything, you feel the most yourself when you’re behind those strings. You dream about feeling so confident and carefree behind the guitar, that creating music is as natural as breathing!

But There’s Something Standing in Your Way,
and Stopping You From Achieving That Dream

Despite your love for the instrument, something’s missing when you play right now. You feel like
you’re playing the same things over, and over, and over again… but you’re not improving. The same
licks, the same scales, the same patterns… You feel stuck.

Wherever you are in your guitar journey, you just can’t seem to progress.
Do you ever feel like...

  • You’ve put a tonne of hours into practice over the years... but you’re still not confident playing in front of people?
  • You can’t improve past the late beginner stage… even though you’ve been playing for as long as you can remember?
  • You’re always playing the same tired pentatonic licks… and you want to be able to play more exciting music?
  • You can’t seem to play what’s in your head… even though you’re brimming with musical ideas?
  • Your playing is awkward, wooden, and mechanical… and it just isn’t coming naturally to you, like you feel it should?
  • Your playing will never be good enough to show people… and you just want the freedom and confidence to play in front of an audience?
  • You see so many young guitar players on YouTube who seem to have mastered their craft…and you feel like you’re falling behind?
  • You’ve reached a point where you’re bored and frustrated with your playing… and it’s dampening your passion for guitar altogether?

...playing guitar should be an escape—but you’re not escaping anymore.

If you shouted ‘Yes!’ to any of these statements, then you’re not alone.

I’m David Wallimann...

I’m the Founder of Guitar Playback, and I’ve been teaching guitar for over 30 years. But at one point, I was exactly where you are.

I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to feel like there’s that invisible wall stopping you from improving. You feel like you’ve plateaued, that you’ve stopped progressing, that your guitar skills are getting stale. Your fingers feel wooden, your movements feel clunky, and everything you play is just average—and you can’t work out why.

I was running head-first into these very same roadblocks…

...until I finally decided to fix my playing from the ground up and learn how to fully understand the instrument and finally unlock all those ideas that were stuck in my head.

Sounds impossible, right?

But it’s real, and it works.

I’m Going to Show You How to
Fully Unlock Your Understanding
of Theory Once and For All.

You want playing the guitar to feel like an escape. You want it to feel free. You want to pick up your guitar, play whatever you feel like playing without any limitations and play the way you’ve always wanted to.

It shouldn’t feel frustrating. You want to be able to express yourself through music, and feel like you’re having fun playing the guitar again.

And honestly? You just want it to be simple.

Just Imagine It.
Theory That You Can Use To...

  • Freely improvise all over the neck,so you can finally break away from playing the same old pentatonic licks over and over…
  • Gain confidence in your playing, so you actually see your skills improve—you’ll be ready to play in front of an audience in no time!
  • Unstick your progress and boost your skills, with simple concepts that you can use right away to play better and progress…
  • Translate what’s in your head into your music and bring all your musical ideas to life…
  • Create your own music, and not just replay the same songs you’ve been playing for years...
  • Make the most of all the money and time you’ve spent over the years on courses and lessons...
  • Pick up your guitar and play freely and naturally, no matter who’s around to hear you...

...and most importantly, fall back in love with playing the guitar again.

Play Guitar Like You’ve Always Dreamed...
Welcome to The Improvisation Mindset Course

With 30+ step-by-step video lessons that you can watch on-demand, Improvisation Mindset is an easy-to-follow online course that teaches you the missing key to help you progress towards being a great musician, fully in control of your instrument.

Through a combination of simple to follow videos, backing tracks, and interactive exercises, you’ll teach yourself the proper way to fully understand and use music theory without feeling stuck because you can’t keep up. You’ll be able to stop thinking about your fingers, and start playing that music that’s actually in your head.

This is the exact method I learned that’s made my playing feel like second nature, and helped me improvise some of the best solos of my life.

So go and grab your guitar again… are you ready to finally master theory and improvisation?

You Don’t Need to Spend Hours Memorizing
Hundreds of Scales, or Repeating
The Same Old Licks Over And Over …

Improvisation Mindset works because it teaches you how to use and apply theory while refining your musicality. Rather than focusing on memorizing scale shapes, you’ll instead focus on building your own musical lines all over the fretboard.

You’ll learn the essential theory you need to build scales and modes in any key regardless of the musical style you are into.

The Improvisation Mindset course teaches you exactly how to build scales and how to properly mix them together to improvise in any key. It works for everyone, because it immerses you into music directly without the need of obscure concepts, scale memorization, or complicated theory.

Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?

With the Improvisation Mindset Program,
You’ll Learn To…

  • Instinctively know how to perfectly improvise any musical line you want
  • Create new interesting musical ideas without feeling like you are limited by the shapes you know
  • Come up with new ways of navigating the fretboard without feeling that you are held behind by poor fretboard knowledge
  • Take an idea you’ve come up with and expand on it, making new ideas of your own and your own unique sound altogether
  • Gain the same level of confidence a pro guitar player has and feel like you can play with any musician you meet
  • Play freely and easily—and better—on guitar, and feel like you’re gaining that freedom again...

...and, most importantly, how to add that secret spice to your playing that helps you to express yourself through music.

Fall Back in Love With Playing Guitar Again,
and Gain the Knowledge That Puts You
Fully in Control of Your Instrument

Master the Step-By-Step Improvisation Mindset Method

As you go through the program, you’ll start learning the key concepts to unlock your understanding of theory. Once you’ve learned exactly how it all works, you’ll then put it all together yourself over backing tracks specifically created for the course.

Access 30+ Structured Video Lessons

Learn at your own pace with 30+ simple-to-follow videos. Ranging from a couple minutes, to never more than 10, these are short, sharp lessons you can implement immediately.

Learn HOW to improvise With Total Control

You’ll learn how to effortlessly improvise over any chord progression with ease. Think of it as improving your fretboard knowledge in a brand new way.

Fully Express Yourself Through Music

You’ll learn how to naturally navigate the full fretboard and focus on the music—without getting tripped over by scale, modes and lack of finger synchronization.

...And Then, Expand the Method Yourself

Music isn’t a mathematical formula. Once you know the rules, it’s up to you to step outside those rules. Once you implement Improvisation Mindset in your playing, it’s going to open creative doors and opportunities, and you’ll find yourself growing as a player.

Boost Your Learning
With This Bonus Content

But rather than just give you the content and let you loose on the musical world, I want to make sure you can put it into practice. So if you sign up now, you get access to this limited bonus content I talk about all through the course:

Applied Theory

Go even further with your knowledge of modes and learn some super practical phrasing concepts you can use right away.

Mega Backing
Track Pack

Over 250 super high-quality original backing tracks, in different styles specifically created to use during your practice. These are the same tracks I personally use when practicing.

Ear Training 101

Learn how to dramatically improve your ear, even if you think yours is non-existent. It’s there—you just need practice.

The Improvisation Mindset Program
Gives You the Tools You Need to Unstick
Your Playing and Master Your Guitar

It’s time to start having fun again, free up your fingers, and learn
how to make the music you want to hear.

Here’s what you get:

  • 30+ Step-By-Step Lessons
  • Watch and Learn Any Time, Anywhere
  • Master Hand Positioning with Video Close-Ups
  • Detailed Diagrams
  • Interactive Exercises and Backing Tracks
  • Access to Rhythm Painter and Chord Scales
  • Bonus Ear Training 101 Workshop

If you sign up now, you get the full Improvisation Mindset course, plus all the limited bonus content (worth $448), for just

was $595


Sign up today to get started today on your guitar journey.

This Isn’t Your Average, Boring
YouTube Course. Here’s How It’s Different...

Short, Easy-to-Follow
Lessons so You
Stay Motivated

I know how it is in the other courses. Long, rambling lessons that you quickly lose interest in. You don’t want that. Improvisation Mindset is made up of 30+ short, sharp lessons, made to watch, learn, and practice when you’re short on time. You can learn and retain each step, and see a clear progression in your playing.

It’s Simple to Understand,
Using Everyday,
Normal Language

You’re not a music scholar, and honestly, neither am I. I don't use difficult technical jargon or unnecessary language. Instead, you get direct access to someone who gets you. I break the different elements of masterful guitar playing down into concepts that actually make sense to you, at your level of expertise, without making it complicated.

You Learn
to Develop Your
Own Unique Style

Honestly, copying someone else is much easier—but it’s not helping you be creative. With Improvisation Mindset, you’ll learn to develop your own style and personality, rather than just copying your favourite musicians. This is about being your own creative self. It can be scary… but boy, is it worth it.

It’s For Everyone,
No Matter
Your Experience

Whether you’ve been playing for 30 years, or three months, Improvisation Mindset teaches you the steps to master your guitar. You’ll learn how to push past those barriers, master the full fretboard, and understand the step-by-step method to playing natural, beautiful solos.

Hear From
These Happy

David really does an outstanding job breaking things down in simple terms. I went from playing a basic pentatonic scale with some feel to outstanding more pro-like after 25 years not playing much.

chris orena

So far the course has helped me think differently about basics... from the fret board to how I practice and what I am trying to achieve. Great course!

dan barrett

Improvisation Mindset
is for You If...

  • You simply feel stuck in your progression
    You keep practicing. You’ve tried to understand scales and modes over and over. You’ve tried everything… but nothing is clicking.
  • You don’t have hours in the day to dedicate
    Honestly, you don’t have as much time to dedicate to practicing guitar as you used to. You just want to sit down and have fun again—but still learn, too.
  • You’ve wasted so much money on bad teachers
    Teachers that push you to learn something that’s out of your reach… and once you learn it, it goes as quickly as it came.
  • You feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information out there
    There’s so much information online, in books, in videos and more. It’s all over the place, disorganized, or takes hours to learn. You just want a clear, step-by-step approach.

...and you just want to feel free again. After all, playing guitar should be an escape. But if you’re not escaping anymore… what’s the point? If you’re ready to fall back in love with guitar, this is for you.

It’s Not Going to be For Everyone.
Improvisation Mindset Isn ’t for You If...

You’ve never picked up a guitar before

Improvisation Mindset is made to help you improve your skills—so you need to know how to play first for it to be valuable to you. It won’t make any sense if you’ve never picked up a guitar before (and I don’t want to waste your time!).

You’re happy with your playing

If you’re completely satisfied with how you’re already playing, then the Improvisation Mindset program won’t work for you. But that’s awesome news —let’s jam some time.

You want to be the best

Music isn’t a competition: it’s a gift that everyone can enjoy. So if you’re trying to compete with other players and be the best, then this course definitely isn’t for you.

Improvisation Mindset is all about unsticking whatever’s holding you back, about learning to free up your chord knowledge, and gaining the ability to play the songs that are actually in your head.

meet your guitar coach


I’m David Wallimann.
If I’m not teaching guitar, then I’m probably playing guitar. Or thinking about guitars.

I’m David Wallimann.
If I’m not teaching
guitar, then I’m
probably playing
guitar. Or thinking
about guitars.

I picked up my first guitar at 15 years old—and from that moment I was hooked. Right away, I loved the feeling of picking up the instrument and just… playing.

Obviously, that didn’t come right away. I knew I had to practice. But I wanted it to be effortless. Free. So in my naivety, I took a different route. I started teaching guitar almost straight away. Not because I was any good at it. No— it was because I realized teaching guitar would solidify what I was learning at the time and help me truly understand how to play.

And it worked. Since then, I’ve spent the last 30 years teaching guitar to players all over the world.

I realized that there were more people out there like me. People that, while they enjoyed the theory, just wanted to be able to express what was in their head out into their music. People that wanted to feel free and relaxed every time they picked up the guitar.

Over the past two decades I’ve taught the Improvisation Mindset method to over 5,000 adult guitar players. All of them have dramatically increased their chord knowledge and developed their own musical voice—and you can too.

My goal is to teach you how to break free from old habits... and finally play from the heart.

What people says

Jennifer Batten

David has a great way of teaching that keeps the 'play' in playing.



Jennifer Batten

David is a top of the line energetic visionary musician.

Guitarist, Michael Jackson, Jeff Beck

Jennifer Batten

Derryl Gabel

David teaches on a level that most anyone could understand.

Guitarist, solo artist

Derryl Gabel

So Go and Grab Your Guitar, and Get Ready
to Master the Method That Put You Fully
in Control of Your Instrument

Improvisation Mindset Program

It’s time to start your journey to mastering your instrument. Sign up today to get the full Improvisation Mindset course, plus all the limited bonus content (worth $448), for just

was $595


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